CSPP SurveyCSPP is exploring the most effective way to expand our capacity to support the construction industry's effort to prevent suicide and substance abuse. Your answers will improve our effort! What type of training and programs are you looking to implement?Suicide Prevention TrainingOpioid Prevention and Intervention in ConstructionCreating a Resilent and Thriving WorkplaceA series of tool box talks and program materialsAre you interested in volunteering to support suicide prevention in the construction industry?Become Certified as a trainer for the nationally recognized suciide prevention module: QPR (Question Pesuade Refer) trainer.Implementing CSPP's Suicide Prevention Action Guide into our workplace. Hosting a training. Other:Are you interested in hosting QPRâ„¢training for your organization?In-PersonVirtualWould you like to support implementing a suicide or opioid abuse prevention program for your organization?YesNoNot sure, I want to learn moreDo you have an event that you would like to showcase suicide prevention practices?Speaker Request Information Booth If you'd like us to follow up with you regarding your survey answers, please provide your name and email, Thank you!