An important component of reaching people in the construction industry is being visible in their immediate environments during their day-to-day work onsite. Offering support across all races, genders, beliefs, and backgrounds, engaging in the very moment where we can increase our connection to each other, building hope.
The CSPP worked with Lines For Life, a Northwest Regional Non-profit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide, to create the NOT TODAY campaign. Below are links to these stickers. You can print them and share them with your work crews.
All of our communication materials can be posted anywhere on a construction site. Post our flyers and other mental health awareness materials throughout the construction site. This includes portable toilets onsite or other private places so that workers can learn about these resources without feeling uncomfortable or watched. By posting suicide prevention and mental health awareness messages, you’re letting your crew know that their mental health is a vital component of construction safety practices.
Below are some of our materials.
Warning Signs
Other organizations have created excellent materials, too.
Construction Working Minds has created a series of free posters that can be posted on construction sites. Check them out here