CSPP is one of many groups working to prevent suicide in the construction industry. Below are links to data, strategies, and other construction suicide prevention programs.

Construction Suicide Data

Below are four slides showing the national scope of suicide along with data about construction.

Construction Suicide Prevention Websites

Construction Working Minds: Complex public health problems like suicide are best addressed with comprehensive and sustained approaches that address issues from several angles and through multiple systems. The Working Minds program is an evidence-informed model that uses strategic partnerships and capacity-building in the workplace to leverage and sustain significant change for positive mental health and resiliency.

SafeBuild Alliance: SafeBuild Alliance is a nonprofit organization promoting the transformation of workplace cultures to achieve an incident-free construction industry

The Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP) CIASP is dedicated to changing the statistics by educating and equipping organizations, industry service providers, and construction professionals to STAND Up for suicide prevention and address it as a health and safety priority